Online Coaches Education Program – OCEP

TLI has developed the most effective Online Coaches Education Program (OCEP) available.  We have developed progressive curricula for all age groups and skill levels located anywhere in the world. The program starts with a series of 20-30 minute videos that explain our philosophy, coaching techniques and the implementation of our curriculum .  We then provide weekly player development plans that take the coaches and players through a methodical progression of skill and concept development.  This progressive style of teaching has been proven to be the most effective method of improving every player’s skill and IQ level.

Program Details:

  • Access for all coaches in your program.
  • Master Video Series explaining Philosophy and Curriculum
  • Detailed weekly Player Development Plans
  • Informative text/videos stressing teaching points
  • Access to entire Coach and Player Training Philosophy
  • Option for adding on-field sessions at a reduced rate

Here is a link to a sample 5th and 6th grade Practice Plan. This would be the first practice plan of the season for an average skill level. We have programs written for both more and less experienced programs.

These curricula keep the entire program on the same developmental path, instilling continuity throughout the program within each year and from year to year.

For more information please contact Todd Francis:

Phone: (978) 764-1341

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