Carry The ball carrier carries the ball in a direction towards a team mate. This is not a dodge, he remains outside of the defenders reach. This action then requires another action by the team mate towards which the ball is being carried. The use of a carry is almost always used in conjunction with one or more of the following: Through, Follow and/or Mirror.
Cycle This is very similar to “Exchange” below, but instead of just exchanging positions, one player cuts the middle as his partner fills the spot originally occupied by the cutter. The cutter then replaces his partners spot after cutting the middle. During the cut however, the player is actively attempting to get a feed from the ball carrier.
Double This is the call that a defender that is sliding towards a ball carrier uses to let his team mate know that he should stay on the ball carrier with him and that they are going to double the ball. The on ball defender then needs to react accordingly to allow the double to be successful.
Exchange This is an off ball call for two adjacent players that are off the ball to exchange places. This forces defenders to pay attention to them and should open up more on ball space. If the defenders are caught looking, this can open up backside looks.
Find One This is a term that the defender that is sliding towards a ball carrier uses to let his team mate know that he is going to take the ball carrier himself and that his team mate (the previous on-ball defender) should get back into the hole and “Find One”. This may involve bumping over of one of the crease defenders.
Finish This is the term used when a player with the ball has a good scoring chance inside and/or in traffic. It involves getting the stick in a Threat position and using a series of fakes, along with quick wrists to create a short windup, quick release shot.
Follow This term is used to describe the movement of an off ball offensive player. As the ball carrier either dodges or carries away from them, they follow and fill the spot that the dodger/carrier has vacated. Sometimes used as a great shot opportunity, or as an easy outlet and then one more to the backside for a shot/dodge.
Heavy This term is used when it is desired for the defender to put ultimate pressure on the ball carrier and attempt to cause a turnover. Often used either in a situation where there is an advantageous matchup, or when the offensive player is in a vulnerable situation without an outlet.
Look Back As the ball carrier passes a team mate on a mirror, or coming out of a pick and roll, the offensive player should get to a Threat position and a quick look back, maybe with a pump fake, often freezes defenders. It also has the player in position to move the ball in case his team mate is open, if not he can continue onto the next progression.
Mirror This is the term used to describe the movement of an off ball player as his on ball team mate carries in his direction. When he mirrors, he basically takes a shallow belly cut to replace where the ball carrier has vacated. During this movement the player should always be able to receive a pass to shoot or move the ball quickly. It is imperative that this “replacement” action occur “underneath” or between the ball carrier and the cage. Replacing outside the ball carrier simply creates and opportunity to double the ball carrier.
One More This is the term for letting the offensive player that is receiving the ball know that he should be prepared to just catch the ball and move it to the next player. This scenario is more easily recognized by the sideline, so this help can often help the back side of the offense get a great scoring opportunity.
Push This is a term for the offensive player, usually coming from x (although can be done up top in an odd man situation), to immediately push the ball to the opposite side by driving and attacking the backside GLE. When he does this with his head up he can usually catch the defense during a recovery or at least possibly a slide change miscommunication.
Show This is a defensive term for the primary slide defender to get into a sideways stance and take a couple shuffle steps towards the ball carrier and then recover quickly. It is a simple fake slide that when timed well and done correctly and allow the on ball defender to recover without the risk of sliding.
Slip This is the term where the player that is engaging to set the pick or screen breaks off his route early and slips into the open space between that two defenders. Often an offense must run at least one pick and roll to completion to set up the defense for slipping the pick. Listening to the defensive calls can also alert you to a team that would be susceptible to a pick. An early switch call should typically trigger a slip.
Stick This term is meant to make the defensive player get onto the hands of the ball carrier and stick to his hands until the ball is released. Even if it is just resting on the offensive player’s hands, this technique can cause errant passes.
Take a Look This call is to alert a ball carrier that somewhere on the field there is an open man or a severe odd man situation. This can typically happen at the box during a substitution, but often you do not want to yell “Box” and alert the defense as well.
Threat This is a term used to get a players hands up at their shoulder allowing them to be a “threat” to either pass or finish rapidly. Typically a Box Lacrosse concept, this position, where the ball carriers butt end is up pointing forward, allows for a very quick release and is a great faking and finishing position.
Through Typically used in conjunction with a carry and follow, through describes the motion where as a team mate dodges or carries towards you, you are to cut through the middle and balance out somewhere on the back side. As going through every effort should be made to make sure you are an option for the ball carrier.
Wind-up As a ball carrier approaches a defender, the ball carrier turns sideways and “winds-up” as if to preparing to shoot. Maintaining balance while doing this, he can put himself in a multiple threat position. Much like a “Triple-Threat” position in basketball, he can shoot, dodge or pass.