Elite Training Workout #1

This workout is introducing a few of our basic skills that we will use throughout the entire program.  Strict attention should be paid to form and details/teaching points of every skill.  High-tempo and maximization of repetitions is expected.


Warm Up – NG

  • Jog/Back Pedal
  • High Knees/Butt Kicks
  • Karoke/Karoke
  • Knee Hugs-Quad Stretch/Runners Lunge-Balance Lunge
  • 6 x 35 Yard Sprints

Skill Development – QT’s

  • Wrister Passing (Net/Wall/Catch)
  • Throwback Progression
      • 180 Away
      • Step Away
      • Roll Back
  • Cut-Pop Drill
      • Time and Space
      • Hitch and Go
      • Face Dodge
  • 2-Man In tight Shooting
  • GB-Pass-Cut-Finish


  • Four 2-Stops